15 Jul

SAT (Scholastic Aptitude/ Assessment Test) is a test used for college admissions in the United States of America. To get admission in some of the universities in USA, SAT is mandatory. Know how to prepare for SAT exam from the professional mentors in the industry. For many students, SAT is one of the complicated exams to clear, which involves Essay writing, Reading, Writing and Language, Math with calculator and math without a calculator. Most of the marking in SAT exam depends on how well a student or candidate can write in the exam and solve maths problems. Studies who don't have much of talent in writing will face a big problem with clearing SAT exam. Enroll for SAT Coaching Classes in Mumbai today.

SAT has two sections one is mathematics and other is Evidence based writing and reading and score is on the scale ranging from 200-800 points giving a possible total of 1600 points. Essay section has 50 points allocated to it which is completely optional for students to write and many students try skipping essay section. It is always best to attend the essay part and try scoring high as there is no negative marking or wrong answer penalty in the exam. Attending essay will always add an advantage for students. If a student prepare well for the essay and attend it then scoring high is not hard. You can choose to join the top SAT preparation institute in Mumbai.

SAT exam is a combination of multiple-choice questions and written questions and questions concentrate more on in depth analysis of the content and evidence such as in critical reading section.

Preparing for SAT need lot of prior plan and practice to clear it. Important points to consider when students are preparing for SAT exam are

1. Make a plan:

Make a well organized and practical study time table along with what needs to be covered and read on daily basis, stick to the plan daily and do revision the next day. Read more books, newspapers and try to analyze what author is trying to convey and write it out. Do this practice section at least once a day. Which will help a student in essay section where one essay document is given to the student to analyze author intention and explain it neatly.

2. Take First Attempt:

A student can take SAT test many times, take the first attempt of SAT test and check the score, analyze where mistakes are made and which part needs more preparation. Re-plan the study schedule accordingly and prepare again from the first and retake it till student reach the desired score.

3. Reset the Goal:After the first attempt, the student should analyze strengths and weakness of themselves. Reset their goal accordingly and work harder to achieve it. From the first attempt, students can analyze how the exam pattern is and can make a better plan than before.

4. Decide:After making a plan next step is how one will execute that plan, decide what tools and materials students need to prepare for it. Either join coaching center or buy study materials on SAT or use online resources to prepare, make use of all the resources available and form a group of friends who can help each other in preparation.

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